Attendance: Elizabeth Bennett, Mary Brown, Shannon Davis, Cher Edwards, Chris Kelly, Shari Krugler, Susan Leyster, Linda McGee, Jenny Morgan, Myrna Muto, Lonny Smart, Mary Schroeder, Dan Windisch, Pam Van Der Does
The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm. Mary Schroeder reviewed the agenda. Lisa Bennett added an item: Update on the Community College application for WCA membership.
Minutes from the October Board Meeting were reviewed. Dan suggested that acronyms be spelled out so readers can be clear about the meaning of them. An update was made to the mileage rate in subsequent minutes. Cher moved that the minutes be approved with suggested changes. Lisa seconded the motion. The minutes were approved with changes.
Wendy Hoffman, President-Elect from the Oregon Counseling Association was introduced as a guest. Their annual conference will take place October 19-20, 2007 at Seaside, OR. Board members introduced themselves with a brief description of their role on the board.
Old Business
The non-profit status of WCA was discussed. Originally the tax-exempt status began as 501C-3. This status was changed, as a result of an IRS audit, to 501C-4, after review that included tax records and a copy of the bylaws. Mary Schroeder will research this at the ACA Conference and gather information from other branches in the Western Region, including copies of their branch bylaws. She will make a report at the June Board Meeting.
Community College Update According the WCA Bylaws IX B: if a division is not represented by ACA, it must present a constitution and application for membership to the branch (WCA). Dan Windisch will contact Stephen Coates-White from WCTCCA to follow up on his inquiry into membership in WCA at the last board meeting.
Career Counseling Update Language in the web-published bylaws was corrected back to the June 2000 approved bylaws. Changes had been made to the bylaws that were referenced from a 2004 board meeting. The new language excluded members without master’s degrees from full participation to hold office and be voting members. This has been an ongoing issue for NCDA related to the ACA bylaws. ACA bylaws allow all privileges except ascendancy to ACA Presidency for regular members. The WCA bylaws have the comparable membership level to the ACA ‘regular’ members as ‘associate’ members.
New Business
Bylaws Task Force Mary Schroeder called for volunteers to form an ad hoc committee to review our bylaws, propose changes and updates to meet the current practice of the branch, and make a report at the June Board Meeting. Volunteers include Mary Schroeder, Myrna Muto, and Susan Leyster. Following the meeting additional volunteers include Steve Kauffman and Megan Reibel (Student Representative).
Website Pam Van Der Does has slowly been making updates to the WCA main webpage and each division, including links. Please visit the website and navigate through the various pages provide feedback for Pam as well as submit information electronically for her to post.
Budget Report Shari handed out current spreadsheets for the budget. Conference revenue and membership dues categories are below proposed budget amounts. There have been 212 members processed since January 1st so there will be membership revenue and the March conference revenue will narrow the gap between the proposed budget and actual.
Conference Committee Lisa Bennett suggested that a conference committee might look at member needs related to conference presentations and what would increase attendance. Mary Schroeder asked that each division identify one member to serve on the conference committee. Cher suggested the use of an online means such as Survey Monkey to ascertain training needs. There isn’t a good connection for providing continuing education units (CEUs) for the mental health counselors. This population may be a group for us to include in conference program planning. Myrna will work with this committee as she continues to plan the conference program. It was suggested that “Save the Date” notices be sent out at an early date to help people plan their schedules for attendance at the conference.
All other budget categories are within the 2006-07 budget. Shari provided a handout of suggestion for changes to increase revenue. The Board thought the suggestions were generally sound. The conference committee will take the suggestions under advisement.
Elections Dan Windisch announced that Susan Leyster is the new President-Elect-Elect and Shari is the Treasurer.
Membership Report The membership count as of February is listed on the Agenda. All divisions are at or above the minimum number of members with the exception of WAAOC, which is adjunct to the Mental Health division.
WCSJ Division Status The Washington Counselors for Social Justice was formed last year as a provisional division subject to the submittal of bylaws and a minimum membership of 20 members. Bylaws have been submitted and accepted. Current membership has reached 26. Dan moved acceptance of WCSJ as a formal division of WCA. The motion was seconded and passed by a unanimous vote.
Division Reports
President’s report: written and attached.
Mental Health: Website is being updated and includes much new information. We will be putting
new licensure requirements on the website when available. 2nd annual conference will be in
June. (report attached)
WAAOC: The board is starting to grow and membership is expected to grow. This is not an official
Division. It needs another year to grow. There are a large number of chemical dependency counselors who have
no professional affiliation. (report attached)
WAMCD: Mary S reported for Helen Edwards (no written report). On April 28th the division will host a Courageous Conversations workshop at the Highline School District in Burien.
WASERVIC: Report as emailed. (report attached)
WCDA: Susie submitted her report by email.
WCSJ: We are officially a division!!! (no written or electronic report)
WSACES: The report was emailed. (report attached)
WSCA: Thank you Lisa Bennett who filled in for a presenter who did not show. Lisa was
outstanding! Legislative update – HB 1607 was supported by Dan, Mary, Chris Sink, school
counselors, and students from Olympia HS when the bill was heard before the House
Education Committee. Jenny thanked them for their support. Dan reflected that the
testimony was very professional, extremely well done. WEA’s lobbying efforts were also
secured to support the bill.
Member services responded to the Tacoma SD after a shooting at Foss HS. Report attached.
Awards: Lonny has already received a nomination for the fall conference. Dan suggested that each division nominate someone for one of the awards. (no written or electronic report)
June Board Meeting We will try to schedule the June Board Meeting with regard to the Mental Health Conference at the Woodmark Hotel in Kirkland. Mary will do a mini Leadership Training at the board meeting.
President-Elect Report / Conference Planning The pre-conference for the fall conference will be held on October 11th and the conference the 12th and 13th. The conference hotel is the Doubletree at Southcenter. Each division needs to provide 2 raffle items as well as provide support to solicit workshop presentations of interest to their membership.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.