Components of WCA

The Goals of WCA

The professional organization was created to further counseling by:

  • Promoting and providing educational programs for counselors.

  • Updating counselors on new information and developments in the field.

  • Creating a network of support among peers.

  • Serving as a link among members, the national counseling association, its divisions, and other human service organizations.

  • Promoting governmental relations and legislation to benefit counselors and consumers of counseling.

  • Encouraging research, credentialing, ethics, and related standards in counseling.


WCA currently consists of the following divisions:
  • The Washington School Counselors Association (WSCA)
  • Mental health
  • The Washington Career Development Association (WCDA)
  • The Washington State Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors (WSACES)
  • The Washington Association for Spiritual, Ethical and Religious Values in Counseling (WASERVIC)
  • The Washington Association for Multi-Cultural Counseling and Development (WAMCD)
  • The Washington Association for Addictions and Offender Counselors (WAAOC)
  • Washington Counselors for Social Justice (WCSJ)

Other divisions may be chartered as sufficient interest develops. All non-organizational memberships include one division of choice.

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