The Washington Counseling Association (WCA) is the only professional
counseling organization in the state of Washington that seeks
to represent all professional counselors across all counseling-related
disciplines. WCA is a state branch of the American Counseling
Association (ACA) and is linked with over 60,000 members nationwide.
Membership is open to: all professionally trained counselors;
counseling students; educators, or supervisors; and organizations
associated with counseling. Associate membership is also available.
The Washington Counseling Association was created to further
counseling by: promoting and providing educational programs
for counselors; updating counselors on new information and developments
in the field; creating a network of support among peers; serving
as a link among members, the national counseling association,
its divisions, and other human service organizations; promoting
governmental relations and legislation to benefit counselors
and consumers of counseling; and encouraging research, credentialing,
ethics, and related standards in counseling.
An annual fall counseling conference features opportunities
to increase competencies by participating in workshops, seminars,
and round table discussions with peers and nationally recognized
experts in the field. Individual divisions of WCA also offer
similar opportunities around specific areas of interest. Examples
of division-sponsored events are the spring WSCA (school counseling)
conference, the multicultural roundtables, and career conferences.
Additional member benefits are as follows: four issues of the
WCA newsletter; division newsletters; membership certificate
suitable for framing; membership directory information; monitoring
and lobbying legislation affecting counseling and other human
service issues; professional recognition through an active awards
program; opportunities for networking and support; professional
development workshops; continuing education credits and certificates
(NBCC and Washington State SPI clock hours); national representation;
and reduced rates for professional liability insurance.
WCA currently consists of the following divisions:
• The Washington School Counselors Association (WSCA)
• Mental Health
• The Washington Career Development Association (WCDA)
• The Washington State Association for Counselor Educators
and Supervisors (WSACES)
• The Washington Association for the Spiritual, Ethical
and Religious Values in Counseling (WASERVIC)
• The Washington Association for Multi-Cultural Counseling
and Development (WAMCD)
• The Washington Association for Addictions and Offender
Counselors (WAAOC)
• Washington Counselors for Social Justice (WCSJ)
Other divisions may be chartered as sufficient interest develops.
All non-organizational memberships include one division of choice.
If you want more information about a division, click on its
Professional members have appropriate certification or licensure,
or are eligible for such certification or licensure based on
their training and education. A professional membership includes
membership in WCA and one division of choice. Associate members
are not otherwise designated. An associate membership includes
membership in WCA and one division of choice. Retired members
are over the age of 50, are no longer employed, and met the
requirements for professional membership prior to retirement.
A membership in this category includes membership in WCA and
one division of choice, at a reduced rate. Student members are
bonafide fulltime undergraduate or graduate students in a counseling-related
professional course at accredited colleges or universities (professor’s
signature required). Continuous membership assures eligibility
for a post-graduate extension of the student rate of up to two
years. The post-graduate discount applies only to membership.
A student membership includes membership in WCA and one division
of choice. Life members are WCA Past Presidents who have maintained
continuous membership since their years of service. Organizational
membership is available to organizations who wish to contribute
to the progress of the WCA. This membership does not include
voting or office-holding privileges. Dues are twice the regular
amount, and the membership does not include a division. Each
organizational member may send up to three attendees, with a
fee reduction of $30 per person, to the WCA fall conference.
Members who belong to the WCA and a division may join additional
divisions at reduced cost. If you have questions or need additional
information, contact Pam Van Der Does at 208-755-6121 or [email protected].