

Updated: Tuesday, May 30, 2006



Name, Affiliation, and Mission

Section 1. Name. The official name of this organization shall be Washington Counselors for Social

Justice (hereafter referred to as WCSJ).

Section 2. Use of Name. The official name of the Association as specified in Article I, Section 1, shall be

employed in connection with all official business and communications pertaining to WCSJ.

Section 3. Affiliation. WCSJ is a division of the Washington Counseling Association (hereafter referred

to as WCA) and shall be subject to those provisions of its bylaws that apply to divisions. WCSJ is a state

branch of Counselors for Social Justice (hereafter referred to as CSJ). WCA is a state branch of the

American Counseling Association (hereafter referred to as ACA), and CSJ is a division of ACA.

Section 4. Mission. The mission of Washington Counselors for Social Justice is to work to promote

social justice in Washington and our society through the professional development of counselors who

confront oppressive systems of power and privilege that affect ourselves, our clientele, and relevant




Section 1. Categories of Membership. There will be four categories of membership in WCSJ: regular,

student, associate, and retired/limited means.

Section 2. Qualifications for Membership. The categories of membership shall be determined in

accordance with the following.

A. Regular Members. Regular Members are those whose qualifications are acceptable to the

Membership Committee of WCSJ. The minimum requirements for regular members shall be:

(1) Full or part-time employment in counseling and development work (as defined below)

at the time of applying for regular membership, or

(2) Experience in counseling and development work, including

(a) placement, training, education, and other aspects of counseling and development

work in business and industry, government agencies, and other organizations; or

(b) test development, occupational, and other research and writing directly related to

counseling; or

(c) counselor training; or

(d) administration of programs of the above types; or

(e) interest in and a desire to uphold the purposes and principles of WCSJ.

B. Student Members. A student engaged in full or part-time study in an accredited undergraduate

or graduate school in a course of study related to counseling may be admitted as a student

member upon application and endorsement by his/her faculty advisor. Student members shall

maintain all the privileges of individual regular membership.

C. Associate Members. Individuals who are interested in counseling, development, and social

justice but who do not meet the requirements of (a) or (b) may be admitted to Associate

membership in WCSJ at the discretion of the Membership Committee provided he/she pays

his/her annual dues. Associate members shall maintain all the privileges of individual regular



Updated: Tuesday, May 30, 2006

D. Retired/Limited Means Members. Individuals who are have retired from counseling and

development work (as defined in Article II, Section A, subsection 2) or individuals who affirm that

they have limited economic resources may be admitted as a retired/limited means member upon

request and payment of the annual dues for this membership category. Retired/limited means

members shall maintain all the privileges of individual regular membership.

Section 3. Application for Membership. Any person desiring to become member of WCSJ shall make

application to the WCSJ Membership Coordinator. The WCSJ Membership Coordinator shall notify the

applicant of the action taken on the application. A person shall become a member of WCSJ upon his/her

election to membership and payment of his/her dues.

Section 4. Continuity of Membership. Membership in WCSJ shall be continuous and on an annual

basis as long as dues are in force.

Section 5. Rights and Privileges. All members in good standing shall be eligible to vote and to hold

office in WCSJ.

Section 6. Termination of Membership.

A. A member may be dropped from membership for any conduct that tends to injure WCSJ or to

affect adversely its reputation, or that violates principles stated in ACA’s Code of Ethics or

WCSJ’s Bylaws. Removal from WCA shall also constitute removal from WCSJ. Any member

charged with engaging in such conduct shall be given notice of the precise nature of the charges

against him/her, be given the opportunity to present evidence on her/his behalf through witnesses

or otherwise, be given the opportunity to confront witnesses against her/him, and have the right to

appeal and have a hearing before the Implementation Collective whose decision shall be final. A

Committee on Ethics appointed by the Board of Directors shall consider any charge made over

the signature of two WCSJ members in good standing and shall have the power to determine

whether the charges shall be dropped, whether the accused shall be permitted to resign, or

whether the charges are true, subject, however, to the right of any accused member to appeal to

the Board of Directors from any final decision of the Committee on Ethics.

B. A member may be dropped from membership for the nonpayment of dues.


Officers of the Association

Section 1. Officers and Terms of Office.

A. The term of office shall be from July 1 to June 30, coinciding with the Association’s fiscal year.

B. The Officers of the Executive Committee of WCSJ shall be President, President-Elect, Past

President, Communications Officer and Treasurer. Ex-officio officers shall be Committee Chairs,

Task Force Chairs and Publication Editors.

C. The President of the Association shall succeed to the office following the term of service as

President-elect, provided that the general membership ratified the succession through an annual

election. The President must be a Professional Member of the WCSJ in good standing, and

must also be a member of WCA and CSJ in good standing. The President shall serve for a

period not to exceed one year, after which he or she shall serve for one year as Past President.

D. The Communications Officer shall serve a two-year term of office concurrently with the President,

and shall be elected from among the voting membership. The office may be held by Regular or

Professional members. The Communications Officer may be re-elected to the same office on an

annual basis by the voting membership.

E. The Treasurer shall serve a one-year term of office and shall be elected from among the voting

membership. This office shall be held by Regular or Professional members. The Treasurer may

be re-elected to the same office on an annual basis by the voting membership.


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F. The Secretary-elect and the Treasurer-elect shall serve one-year terms, be elected by the

general membership, and succeed to Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

Section 2. Duties of Officers

A. President. The President shall:

1) Exert leadership in the achievement of the mission of WCSJ,

2) Preside at the meetings of the Executive Committee,

3) With approval of the Executive Committee, appoint chairpersons of all WCSJ committees unless

otherwise specified in these Bylaws or in the motion of establishing the committee; and

4) Serve as ex-officio on all WCSJ committees and task forces, except the Committee on

Nominations and Elections.

B. President-Elect. The President-Elect shall:

1) Perform the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President;

2) Serve as a member of the Executive Committee;

3) Carry out such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Board Executive

Committee; and

4) Chair the membership committee.

C. Past President. The Past President shall:

1) Perform the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President and President-


2) Serve as a member of the Executive Committee;

3) Serve as the chair of the Nomination and Election Committee; and

4) Carry out such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Executive Committee;

D. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall:

1) Serve as a member of the Executive Committee;

2) Represent WCSJ in assuring the receipt and expenditures of funds in accordance with the

directives established by the Executive Committee;

3) Assist in the preparation of the budgets for WCSJ, its committees, and its publications;

4) Follow accepted procedures for handling the funds of WCSJ;

5) Perform the duties customary to the office and such additional duties as directed by the Executive


6) Recommend to the Executive Committee any needed modifications

7) in procedures for managing the fiscal affairs of WCSJ;

8) Submit written financial reports to the Executive Committee at any regular meeting; and

9) Preside at meetings of the Executive Committee in the absence of the President, President-Elect,

and Past President.

E. Communication Officer. The Communication Officer shall:

1) Keep record of the proceedings of the of the Executive Committee;

2) Perform such duties as may be delegated by the Board of Directors and the Officers if CSJ.

3) Serve as a member of the Executive Committee;

4) Be empowered to affix the seal and execute official documents of CSJ as secretary of the

Organization; and

5) Preside at meetings of the Executive Committee in the absence of all other Officers.

Section 3. Nomination and Election of Officers.

A. If any officer elected should be unable to assume the office on July 1, the candidate receiving the

next highest number of votes in the election, if eligible, shall assume the position. If the candidate

is not eligible, or if there is no candidate, the position shall be filled by action of three-fifths (3/5) of

the Executive Committee within thirty days of the vacancy occurring.

B. Should a member of the Association find cause to contest the eligibility of any nominee, a written

notice shall be given to the President within thirty (30) days after publication of the slate of


Updated: Tuesday, May 30, 2006

candidates in the Association’s official publication, after which time the slate becomes

incontestable. The President is charged with the responsibility for serving notice on the contested

nominee and conducting a poll of at least three-fifths (3/5) of the members of the Executive

Committee regarding the contested nominee.

C. The President, in consultation with members of the Executive Committee, generates the annual

Strategic Plan.

Section 4. Sanction and Removal from Office. Any individual noted in Article IV, Section A through G

above, may be sanctioned or removed from office in accordance with procedures prescribed by official

policy of WCSJ.

Section 5. Executive Committee Composition. The WCSJ Executive Committee shall be composed of

the WCSJ President, President-Elect, Past President, Communications Officer, and Treasurer. Standing

Committee Chairs and Editors of any Newsletters shall be ex-officio members.

Section 6. Executive Committee Functions. The Executive Committee shall be the agency through

which the policies of WCSJ shall be determined and shall have the following powers and functions:

A. To establish policies to govern the affairs of WCSJ; and

B. To act on the reports of all Committees and Task Forces of WCSJ.

Section 7. Executive Committee Meetings.

A. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once per year. A meeting shall be held at the time

and place of each state convention of WCA. Other meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held

at the call of the Executive Committee or of a majority of the Board of Directors.

B. At least one-half of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum throughout

any meeting of the Board of Directors at which official business is transacted. Teleconferencing

may be utilized when circumstances necessitate.

Section 8. Method of Selection.

A. The President-Elect, Communication Officer, Treasurer, and the Communications Officer shall be

elected in accordance with Article V.

Section 9. Terms of Office for Officers, Board of Directors Members.

A. The President, President-Elect, and Past President shall hold office for one year.

B. In the event of resignation, continued absence, illness, removal from office, or death of any

member of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors shall, by majority vote, elect a

successor to serve until the next annual election. In the event that the President-Elect is unable to

assume the duties of President, the Executive Committee shall, by majority vote, choose a

member of the Committee to serve as President until her/his successor takes office.


Committees and Commissions

Section 1. Executive Committee. This committee shall consist of the President, President-Elect, Past

President, Treasurer, and Communication Officer. The Executive Committee shall act for the Board of

Directors in the interim between meetings and it shall prepare the proposed annual budget of WCSJ to be

presented for approval to the first meeting of the fiscal year of the Executive Committee and recommend

fiscal policies for consideration by the Executive Committee. It shall promptly report to the Executive

Committee all business transacted between meetings.

Section 2. Standing Committees. The standing committees of CSJ and their duties shall be:

A. Membership and Public Relations Committee shall promote membership in WCSJ, coordinate

publicity and public relations for WCSJ, and work closely with the WCA Membership Chair.


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B. The Bylaws Committee shall have responsibility for drafting proposals for amendments to these

Bylaws and for the final wording of amendments passed by the Executive Committee and

membership to insure their consistency with the style and substance of these bylaws, The

Committee shall carry out such other functions as may be assigned to it in these Bylaws or by the

Board of Directors.

C. The Program Committee shall be responsible for developing and implementing programs and

activities relating to the concerns of WCSJ.

D. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall be responsible for seeking nominations for

officers on the Executive Committee, for recommending a slate of officers to the Executive

Committee, and for establishing procedures for carrying out the annual election.

E. The Public Policy and Legislation Committee shall be responsible for recommending social

action initiatives to the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Task Forces. These Task Forces shall be established by the Executive Committee to carry

out such activities as it believes will further the objectives of WCSJ. The Executive Committee shall, from

time to time, review the charge and function of all special and continuing committees and shall make such

changes in their number, characteristics, or organization as may seem desirable.

Section 4. Appointment of Committees and Task Forces. In the absence of any provision to the

contrary in these bylaws or in the motion creating a Committee:

A. The President shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee, chairpersons

and members of all Committees and Task Forces except as otherwise specified in these Bylaws.

The term of office of those appointed and confirmed shall coincide with that of the President.

B. Said appointees shall serve for two years as committee members, with the exception of

completing an unexpired term followed by an appointed term. Chairs of standing committees shall

serve for one year or until the appointment of their successors.



Section 1. Dues and Assessments. The following procedure shall be followed in establishing WCSJ

dues and assessments, in addition to those required by the bylaws of WCA:

A. Annual dues for all categories of membership shall be established at the business meeting.

B. The Executive Committee may levy special assessments on the entire membership or on any

class of members.

C. The annual dues for “retired/limited means” members shall never be more than one half of the

individual regular member dues.

Section 2. Salaried Employees. The Executive Committee may authorize the employment of such staff

as may he necessary to fulfill the objectives of WCSJ and set compensation for such employees.


Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year shall run from July 1 to June 30 of the following year.

Section 2. Severable or Transferable Interest. No member, individually or collectively, shall have any

severable or transferable interest in the property of WCSJ.


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Section 3. Control and Management of Property. All property shall be subject to the management: and

control of the Executive Committee and no real property shall be disposed of except pursuant to the prior

written approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 4. Basic Documents. The basic governance documents of WCSJ and all amendments thereto

shall be transmitted to the President of the American Counseling Association within 30 days after their


Section 5. Fidelity Bonds. The Executive Committee shall secure and maintain in force a fidelity bond

adequate in amount to protect WCSJ against defalcations by designated officers or employees.

Section 6. Annual Audit. The Executive Committee shall make sure that all financial records are

available for an annual audit which is conducted by a certified public accountant. A full report will be

submitted to the Executive Committee.

Section 7. Dissolution. Upon the vote of two thirds of the membership of WCSJ, WCSJ shall be


Section 8. Property of WCSJ. In the event WCSJ should be dissolved, none of its property shall be

distributed to any of the members. All of its property shall be transferred according to WCA bylaws.



Section 1. Association Publications. The WCSJ Newsletter shall be designated as the official

publication of WCSJ. A Journal may also be established as deemed appropriate.

Section 2. Distribution of Publications. The WCSJ Newsletter and any other publications to be

established shall be sent to WCSJ members without additional charge. They shall also be available to

non-members, to libraries, and to other organizations by subscription at rates established by the WCSJ

Executive Committee.

Section 3. WCSJ Newsletter.

A. Editorial Supervision. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for recommending

editorial policy and professional content of the WCSJ Newsletter.

B. The Editor. The Editor shall serve for a three-year term and may be reappointed, subject to the

approval of the Executive Committee. The Editor shall be responsible for editing and preparing at

least four issues of the WCSJ Newsletter per year. In addition, the Editor shall publish the

Treasurer’s report and budget statement of the organization in the newsletter.

Section 4. Statement of Relationship. The WCSJ Newsletter and any other WCSJ publication must

include a statement identifying WCSJ as “a Division of the Washington Counseling Association.”


Adoption and Amendments of Bylaws

Section 1. Amendment and Adoption. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority of votes cast after

submission of the proposed amendment by either of the two following methods

A. An amendment shall be proposed in writing to the Bylaws Committee by the Executive

Committee over the signature of ten members in good standing not less than 90 days prior to the

annual meeting of the Executive Committee at the WCA convention. Copies of the amendments

proposed under the provision of the foregoing paragraph shall be mailed to all members not less

than 30 days prior to the annual meeting.


Updated: Tuesday, May 30, 2006

B. An amendment first proposed at any meeting of the Executive Committee shall be voted upon by

mail ballot to the entire membership after 60 days following the date of proposal, provided,

however, that such proposal shall be referred forthwith to the Bylaws Committee and that this

Committee’s written recommendation shall accompany such a mail ballot.

Section 2. Publication. The Bylaws of WCSJ shall be published in their entirety no less than every five

years, beginning with the year of their initial adoption They shall be published in the WCSJ Newsletter. All

amendments adopted by WCSJ during an official year shall be printed from time to time whenever

amendments hereto are adopted.


Rules of Order

Robert’s Rule of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern all the proceedings of WCSJ where they are not

inconsistent with these Bylaws.

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