Washington Counselors for Social Justice is a community
of counselors, counselor educators, graduate students,
and school and community leaders who seek equity and
an end to oppression and injustice affecting clients,
students, counselors, families, communities, schools,
workplaces, governments, and other social and institutional
systems. WCSJ is committed to:
• Challenging oppressive systems of power and
• Implementing social action strategies including
the Social Justice Advocacy Competencies through collaborative
alliances with other ACA & WCA entities, counselor
education programs, and N-16 schools and community organizations.
• Disseminating social justice scholarship about
sociopolitical and economic inequities facing counselors
and clients/students in schools and communities.
• Maintaining an active support network online
and in person for engaging in social justice activities
in schools and communities.
• Providing lively professional development to
enhance counselor, counselor educator, and graduate
student competency in social justice advocacy via ACA
annual conference programs (Day of Action/Day of Learning),
branches, regions, counselor education programs, N-16
schools, and community agencies.
• Maintaining social justice advocacy resources
Past President: Cher Edwards
Treasurer: Jenna Bates
Communications Officer: Jacob Olsen